Semon’s Seaman

Salvaged vinyl billboard, soil, thread, aluminum, 2022

Installation view of the refitted work for the Canadian Cultural Center in Paris, as part of the traveling exhibition Le Synthétique au Coeur de l’Humain | Plastic Heart: Surface all the way through, organized by the Synthetic Collective.  Pictured in background is artwork by J. Blackwell, Aude Pariset, Hannah Claus, Skye Morét, Tegan Moore, Nyaba Leon Ouedraogo, the Synthetic Collective and Amy Brener.

Photo credits: Vincent Royer

Semon’s Seaman

Salvaged vinyl billboard, sand, thread, plastic pellets, aluminum, 2021

Installation view at the University of Toronto’s Art Museum, as part of the exhibition Plastic Heart: Surface all the way through, organized by the Synthetic Collective and the University of Toronto Art Museum.  Pictured in background is artwork by Hannah Claus and Naum Gabo, as well as the waste generated through the process of installing the exhibition itself.

Photo Credits: Tony Hafkenshied and Allison Postma